Masaccio, ‘Holy Trinity’ Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1425-27/28, fresco

-meant to look like a stone funerary monument
-barrel vault: an elongated or continuous semi-circular vault shaped life a half-cylinder
trompe l’oeil (fool the eye) effect with barrel vault through use of linear perspective
-use of Classical columns, semi-arch, coffered ceiling, roundels
-body is more muscular and somewhat idealized
-moralizing message below ( Momento Mori)
Michelangelo, ‘Sistine Chapel’, Vatican, Rome, 1475-81

-Weighty, idealized, Muscular figures - Classical Period
-These paintings in Sistine Chapel shows that Michelangelo was greatly influenced by Masaccio
-Michelangelo was mostly a sculptor
Campin, 'Merode Altarpiece'

- Intuitive Perspective : not mathematical
-extreme detail achieved through use of oil paint
Johanne Guttenberg, 1450 Printing Press

- Inventor: Johann Gutenberg, in Mainz, Germany, in 1450-5
- he made the very first machine printed book, with movable type – the 42 line Bible.
- Europe wasn’t the first culture to have printing.
- Expanded Access to Books, Literacy, Knowledge, Power
- this promoted the exchange of ideas, and hence, increased and sped up cultural change.
-------------> Protestant Reformation
Leonardo da Vinci, ‘Vitruvian Man’ c.1490, ink.

-taken from first-century BCE Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius’ theories on the body
-Leonardo's own observation
-Leonarado’s passions were mathematics, engineering and the natural world
-precise details of anatomy and the geometric basis of perfect proportions
----->an example of science, antiquity, mathematics
Chiaroscuro: (Italian word = light/dark) technique that creates spatial depth and volumetric forms through gradations in the intensity of light and shadow
Sfumato: (Italian word meaning “smoky, soft”) In painting ,the effect of haze in an image. Resembling the colour of the atmosphere at dusk.
Printing Press: is a machine that uses movable metal type to print text.
Protestant Reformation: was a powerful revolt against the Catholic Church.
Martin Luther: was a German reformer monk who publicly criticized all of this.
95 Theses: Martin Luther wrote up a list of 95 complaints against the Church, and nailed it to the church door in Wittenberg.
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