2009년 11월 30일 월요일

Class 4 - Oct. 5.09 - 17th c. art

Veronese, ‘Feast in the House of Levi’, 1573, oil on canvas

-A parody of 'The Last Supper'

-Accused by the Inquisition for heresy

-Later on changed the name of the painting to 'Feast in the House of Levi'

Caravaggio ‘The Calling of St. Matthew, 1599-1600, oil on canvas

-Develops the use of tenebrism, enhanced chiaroscuro,

-Creates a heightened sense of emotion

--------> These techniques used by Caravaggio (intense realism, tenebrism & use of large scale figures in the foreground) became known as Caravaggism or the Caravagesque technique and were copied throughout Europe

Bernini, ‘David’, 1623, Marble

-Dramatic compared to the other versions of David

-Diagonal composition

------> features of Baroque period.

Velazquez, ‘Las Meninas (The Maids of Honour),1656, oil on canvas, Spain

-this painting is a royal portrait, but it is also a self-portrait of the artist

- here he is dressed as a courtier, the Order of Santiago on his chest (added later) and the keys of the palace in his sash

-he shows his importance as an artist

-There are several theories on the interpretation of this painting

Cathedral of St. Martin, Utrecht, 16th c.

-Dutch society had high tolerance in religion

-They destoyed religious icons in art -> Iconoclasm

Rembrandt van Rijn, ‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp’, 1632, oil on canvas

-Rembrandt had studied science and nature

-Rembrandt had also studied Italian Renaissance art

-group portrait depicted here

-dramatic narrative scene

-sharp diagonal that pierces space from right to left uniting all of the figures

-use of tenebrism

-starting to reflect some of the new interest in science and medicine

Rachel Ruysch ‘Flower Still Life’, after 1700, oil on canvas

-Still life


-Use of light

-Appears to depict a beautiful vase of flowers

-Moralizing message contained -> Vanitas

-The flowers are beginning to wilt and this acts as a reminder of the fleeting nature of beauty and of life

The Inquisition: feared organization within the Catholic world.
Anybody accused by the Inquisition was guilty until they could prove their innocence

Counter-Reformation: purpose was to reach and convert the masses of people who had strayed from the church

Tenebrism: strong chiaroscuro, using violent contrasts of light and dark

Iconoclasm : destroying religious icons and/or permitting their use

Vanitas : an image in which all the objects symbolize the transience of life, usually still lifes or genre subjects

Class 3 Sep.28.09 Technologies of realism, Printing Press, Protestant Reformation

Masaccio, ‘Holy Trinity’ Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1425-27/28, fresco

-meant to look like a stone funerary monument

-barrel vault: an elongated or continuous semi-circular vault shaped life a half-cylinder
trompe l’oeil (fool the eye) effect with barrel vault through use of linear perspective

-use of Classical columns, semi-arch, coffered ceiling, roundels

-body is more muscular and somewhat idealized

-moralizing message below ( Momento Mori)

Michelangelo, ‘Sistine Chapel’, Vatican, Rome, 1475-81

-Weighty, idealized, Muscular figures - Classical Period

-These paintings in Sistine Chapel shows that Michelangelo was greatly influenced by Masaccio

-Michelangelo was mostly a sculptor

Campin, 'Merode Altarpiece'

- Intuitive Perspective : not mathematical

-extreme detail achieved through use of oil paint

Johanne Guttenberg, 1450 Printing Press

- Inventor: Johann Gutenberg, in Mainz, Germany, in 1450-5

- he made the very first machine printed book, with movable type – the 42 line Bible.

- Europe wasn’t the first culture to have printing.

- Expanded Access to Books, Literacy, Knowledge, Power

- this promoted the exchange of ideas, and hence, increased and sped up cultural change.

-------------> Protestant Reformation

Leonardo da Vinci, ‘Vitruvian Man’ c.1490, ink.

-taken from first-century BCE Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius’ theories on the body

-Leonardo's own observation

-Leonarado’s passions were mathematics, engineering and the natural world

-precise details of anatomy and the geometric basis of perfect proportions

----->an example of science, antiquity, mathematics

Chiaroscuro: (Italian word = light/dark) technique that creates spatial depth and volumetric forms through gradations in the intensity of light and shadow

Sfumato: (Italian word meaning “smoky, soft”) In painting ,the effect of haze in an image. Resembling the colour of the atmosphere at dusk.

Printing Press: is a machine that uses movable metal type to print text.

Protestant Reformation: was a powerful revolt against the Catholic Church.

Martin Luther: was a German reformer monk who publicly criticized all of this.

95 Theses: Martin Luther wrote up a list of 95 complaints against the Church, and nailed it to the church door in Wittenberg.

2009년 9월 27일 일요일

September 21st : Transition to Renaissance

Early Renaissance

1. Giotto, ‘Crucifixion’, Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua, 1305, Fresco
- More realistic, more 3 dimensional
- Early form of perspective : Giotto used atmosheric perspective in this painting.
- This painting was revolutionary at that time since most artists were still sticking with Byzantine Style
- no more gold used.
*Atmospheric Perspective : A method of showing distance by variating colour and clarity.
Renaissance means 're-birth'
All the ancient knowledge that were brought back from other countries during the Crusades, re-inspired people, leading them to the age of Renaissance.

2. Raphael, ‘School of Athens’, Vatican, Rome, 1509-11, Fresco
- Classical Style
-No religious elements or imagery
- Raphael himself in the painting shows role of art at that time.
-Linear perspective
* Humanism :
-After the outbreak of Black Plague
-Interest in humanity
-A worldview focused on human beings
-Interest in life on earth. but this doesn't mean that religion was ignored.

3. Jan van Eyck, ‘Man in a Red Turban’, 1443, Oil on wood panel (in frame)
-Extreme Detail
-SIGNED : shows importance and confidence of the artist. Signing on an art piece was very revolutionary at that time.

4. Donatello, “David”, 1446-60, Bronze, Florence, 5’

-not the heroic nudity : shown as a boy
-the Di Medici family was involved - patrons of art
Differences between Northern Renaissance and Southern Renaissance
Northern Renaissance :
-Northern Europe
-Vivid colour (Jewel colour)
-Incredible detail achieved through the use of oil ,

van Eyck, ‘Arnolfini Wedding Portrait’, 1434, Oil on wood panel
-candle means presence of god
-there is a mirror and 10 miniture medalions around it. Reflection of the witnesses can be seen in the mirror, and each medalion have different painting on it. : Extreme detail
-the lady is not pregnant
Southern Renaissance :

Leonardo Da Vinci, “Mona Lisa”, 1503, Louvre Museum

-No jewerlery
-Background gives mysterious feeling
-Chiarosicuro : a tecnique used by Leonardo Da Vinci

The Black Plague: resulted in social mobility, emergence of middle class, shift to a more secular (separate from religion) views, emergence of humanism, etc.

The Crusades: contact with other cultures, exposure to lost classical texts, exposure to advanced learning systems (universities), etc

Byzantine Art : artistic products of the Byzantine Empire from about the 4th century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

High Renaissance :
The High Renaissance means the culmination of the art of the Italian Renaissance generally toward the end of the 15th c. and early part of the 16th century

an interest in humanity, your life on earth, interests apart from religion, a worldview that focused on human beings, an education that perfected individuals through the study of past models of civic and person virtue,, personal effort and responsibility

September 14 Lecture journal : Ancient to Renaissance


Discus Thrower, Myron, 485 - 425 BCE

-Plato's Philosophy
-Idealism was practed by anciet greeks in art
-Perfect form and structure


Aphrodite of Cnidus’, Roman copy of original by 4thC. Praxiteles
-Aristotle's philosophy
- Naturalism was practiced by late greeks in art
-depicts things as they are


Upper : Court of Justinian, c.547, Church of San Vitale, Ravenna
Bottom : an image of Virgin Mary and Christ in Byzantine period
-No perspective
- Elongated figure
-Loss of realism
-Gold Background
- Flat
- Awkward position
- Exaggerated gestures


Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, 1503

-Viewing the world in european perspective
-Believes in superiority of European

realism: realism/illusionism: images that resemble the look of real bodies in 3-dimensional space.

Naturalism : how well an image depicted particular aspects of the natural world

Idealism : artists should focus on the ideal, the representation of a subject that was perfect in symmetry and proportion.

Eurocentrism: the practice of viewing the world from a European perspective with an implied belief, either consciously or subconsciously, in the pre-eminence of European.

The ‘Canon’: in art, the body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as obvious and universally binding.